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"usual, normal (same as usual)(same as other people)" in Thai language we say bpòk-ga-dtì (ปกติ)
(ธรรมดา) = It is normal ,not special
káo bpen kon bpòk-ga-dtì (เขาเป็นคนปกติ)
It means......
He is
a person who is the same as other people. He is not diiferent from other people.
He is not abnormal. He is not weird.
For the sentence káo bpen kon tam-ma-daa (เขาเป็นคนธรรมดา)
It means...... He is a normal guy, nothing special.
But if this guy can do something special more than normal people can do such as mark zuckerberg who is successful in social networking siteFacebook or Bill gates or Jack Ma You can say....
káo bpen kon mâi tam-ma-daa (เขาเป็นคนไม่ธรรมดา) orkáo mâi tam-ma-daa
You can not say...
káo bpen kon mâi bpòk-ga-dtì (เขาเป็นคนไม่ปกติ) or
káo mâi bpòk-ga-dtì
Because That means 'He is abnormal or weird'
or "He has a mental illness"